Saturday, August 14, 2010

Emotional Overload

WOW...where to begin!

I have no words for the emotions I felt last night while at the Philly Airport. (I NEVER thought I would admit to being excited to bein Philadelphia!) To see 20 orphans who are in search of something that we all take for granted...a family and someone to love them, was more than I could handle.

The first kid (a 14 yr old young lady named Katarina) to come through those sliding doors, with tears in her eyes ripped my heart out. Recognizing who she was and knowing that a loving couple have already started the paperwork was incredible. This kiddo is going to be in for a great ride!

Then, and this could very well be as I remember it and not as it exactly happened, a second later the same beautiful set of eyes that I have looked at hundreds of times a day since we made this decision to adopt, met mine...and it seemed like, for a split second, time stood still. Dema is more adorable than his pictures and I can't wait to experience for what the future holds.

I could go on for ever about these kids, and I am quite sure that as I see all of you over the next few days weeks or months, I will fill you in with more than you want to know! I experienced so many touching moments in the 5 or 6 hours we got to spend with them, I can't begin to do them justice in an explanation. In addition to what I have already mentioned, here are a few that are on my mind this morning:
-Denis and Anastasia, 7 and 8 yr old brother and sister, sleeping on the bus. Anastasia fell asleep with her head on her little brother's lap and Denis had his arm around her shoulder as if he was reassuring her saying "it's OK big sis, I know this is a bit scary, but I have your back here".
-Artur initiating contact with everyone he could, proud of the new English words he learned for the trip, saying to everyone who would listen "I am Artur, what is your name?"
-Sergi offering me his one of his pretzels. This was especially touching once I thought about it as here is this sweet little guy who is obvioulsy quite malnourished, offering me, who definitely doens't need it, some of his food. He, like all of the kids, want to feel loved and wanted so bad to make a friend. No worries little have a friend in me pretzels or not!
-Nikita, who was slowly working his way front of the bus to see the view out the window. To him, this was an incredible sight that he has never seen anything like. He is one of the younger kiddos and doesnt know any English, but when he bade his way to the seat beside me, he extended his hand and just said Nikita. He stared out that big bus window in awe until his tired little eyes just couldn't stay awake any longer.
-Dema looking me over when I wasn't looking. My friend Russ Walk, told me that he noticied Dema looking at me when I wasn't looking in his direction, then quickly turning his eyes away when I looked back his way. Makes me wonder if he knows or has a feeling of what is going on and that Tina and I will ask him to be our son in the next few days.

I guess that I really could go on for a while...but I want to go to the lodge to spend the day with my 20 new friends and their host and/or adoptive families.

I will close with just one more thought...My friend Russ and were talking on the bus on the way back, and he said a few words that really touched me. I was talking about how all of these kids just hit the lottery and this is the first day of a new like for them. I was happy beyond words for them for the opportunity that awaits them. It was then Russ said to me "Dusty, I felt the same way when we adopted Anastasia, but it didn't take me long to figure out that we are the real winners here." I woke up thinking about that, and I think he is right. In Lou Gherig's words...."today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth"

1 comment:

  1. wow...thanks for sharing this amazing journey with us Dusty and Tina. I saw the pictures on FB earlier, but I love hearing your words and perspective on what is happening. even though it may not always be clearly seen....everyone wins!
