I woke up this morning to find these pictures from Curtis!!! What a great thing to wake up to see!!! These are pictures of the kids that are going to be adopted from this area getting their English tutoring lessons. It is obviously nice to see Dima....not being so excited for his lessons..but to see the other kids from the hosting program as well! When they were all here, you fell in love with them all!
It looks like Dima just came from his boxing (more like mixed martial arts here) lessons so he was probably bummed. I get the feeling getting him to school is going to be a challenge. Luckily he's a smart kid that really picked up things easily, but he just enjoys sports more:) Dusty and I were laughing that Nastya (sitting next to Dima) has a notebook and Dima just has one piece of paper!! I guess that's probably why we haven't received any letters back from Dima.
Although it was awesome to see these pictures, it broke my heart to see the dark circles under Dima's eyes. I can't wait to get him home again to see the color back in his face from getting proper nutrition! After seeing these pictures, we are going to try our best to call Homeland Security and our local Representatives to get the fingerprinting paperwork pushed through!!